Living with a dog is a long-term relationship. From the dog’s point of view, it might seem like a few square meters of confinement, but it can also be a meaningful and high-quality relationship with the owner.

A quality relationship is not just about cuddling, whining, and treating the dog like a child.

When choosing a puppy, you need to consider whether its temperament matches your lifestyle. If you don’t have much time during the day, avoid very agile, task-driven dogs that require a lot of exercise.

Mentally exhausting your dog is as important as providing the right food. Physical exercise alone is not enough. Many people notice that even after a three-hour walk, their dog is only manageable for about twenty minutes before becoming just as energetic and excitable as before.

Simply putting a dog on a treadmill to tire it out is not effective. A dog needs a job, rules, a clear hierarchy, and authority. The best way to establish authority is not through intimidation but by consistently applying rules and engaging in joint activities.

Foxtail in Dogs
Foxtails in Dogs 1024 678

Foxtails in Dogs

Foxtails can cause serious problems for dogs. The term “foxtail” often refers to parts of the wild barley plant, especially the dry, spiky seed cases or stems that can easily get stuck in an animal’s fur or skin. Wild barley…

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Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs
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Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs

Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs: Risks, Symptoms, and Prevention This is one of the most common forms of poisoning in dogs. Antifreeze, used as a coolant in vehicles, is a leading source of ethylene glycol, a substance highly toxic to dogs.…

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The dog tick
The dog tick 1000 716

The dog tick

The dog tick is a blood-sucking parasite that poses a problem for dogs worldwide. Besides dogs, they can also be dangerous to other animals and humans. Due to climate change, we can expect constant tick invasions, and these unpleasant parasites…

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Dog Tail Wagging 1024 576

Dog Tail Wagging

Dog Tail Wagging: The Language of Joy and Communication Dog tail wagging is one of the most common and well-known signs of animal communication. This behavior is much more than a simple physical activity; it expresses deep emotional states and…

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Choosing a puppy
Choosing a puppy 1024 640

Choosing a puppy

If we’ve reached the stage of choosing a breed and then selecting a litter, one of the most beautiful tasks for the owner comes next: choosing the puppy. Arriving at the litter that holds our future “companion,” looking at the…

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The relationship between dog and human
The relationship between dogs and humans 650 366

The relationship between dogs and humans

The Circumstances of Encounter, the Relationship Between Dogs and Humans The relationship between dogs and humans has a long history. Back when humans established a connection with dogs, they were far from the arrogant “lords of the world” as they…

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Dog ownership, raising a dog, the good lifestyle program 800 533

Dog ownership, raising a dog, the good lifestyle program

The Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle for Dogs Today’s dogs typically live in a lifestyle where they don’t expend the energy they generate, leading to its accumulation. Due to improper dog care, urban dogs often lead lives that resemble a…

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The kind of owner a dog wants 1024 576

The kind of owner a dog wants

What kind of owner? – To understand another living being, or even a person from another time, you can do two things. We try to imagine ourselves in their life – but this is quite difficult, Or we can try…

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