• K9 DogHealth - Immune boosting, cartilage strengthening products for dogs.

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The dog cancer and the medicinal mushroom 1000 563 K9-DogHealth.com

The dog cancer and the medicinal mushroom

It helps to understand what exactly a tumour is One of the main functions of the immune system is to identify and destroy defective tumor cells before they can continue to reproduce themselves and the defect. Put simply, the most…

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Elbow dysplasia in dogs
Elbow dysplasia in dogs 650 366 K9-DogHealth.com

Elbow dysplasia in dogs

Elbow dysplasia is the second most common hereditary musculoskeletal disease after hip dysplasia. It is most common in large dogs. Description of elbow dysplasia The essence of elbow dysplasia is that the articular surfaces of the arm bone and two…

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