K9 FullFlex™

(6 customer reviews)

57,00(19950 HUF)

K9 FullFlex™ is a cartilage-strengthening, joint-protecting product containing green mussel extract for dogs, with natural pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting ingredients.

60 chews / bag

  • Treatment of cartilage wear and arthritis
  • To reduce the development of dysplasia and relieve its symptoms
  • To preserve the mobility of dogs
  • To preserve the flexibility of connective tissues in aging dogs
  • Additional treatment for orthopaedic surgery

K9 FullFlex is a joint-protecting and cartilage-strengthening preparation for dogs containing green lipped mussels extract, medicinal mushrooms and natural pain-relieving ingredients.

Thanks to its active ingredients, K9 FullFlex™ can provide effective help in prevention, as well as quick and long-term improvement in dogs already suffering from locomotor diseases.

Research shows that 90% of dogs show significant improvement within 5-7 days of starting treatment. Within a few days, you will notice that your pet is more lively, easier to move, more agile and generally feeling better.

Areas of application of K9 FullFlex cartilage strengthening

  • For large, fast-growing breeds of dog from puppyhood onwards to nourish and protect bones, cartilage and tendons, to maintain and improve general mobility.
  • To alleviate the effects of increased physical stress on the joints and connective tissues of racing and working dogs, as well as to increase performance.
  • For breeders, for the healthy development of the skeletal system (maintenance) of the individuals that most closely carry the breed traits.
  • In ageing dogs, to maintain the elasticity and strength of connective tissues, to delay natural wear and tear, and to keep dogs mobile.
  • For the additional treatment of injury and inflammation of connective tissues (bones, cartilage, joints, etc.), as well as various orthopedic surgical interventions, to shorten the regeneration period and to reduce pain.
  • Inappropriate housing and feeding, diseases due to ageing or diseases specific to the breed (arthritisosteoarthritis, various types of dysplasia, etc.) prevention, treatment and alleviation of symptoms.

Joint disease is one of the most common quality of life impairing, long-lasting, painful issues in dogs.

There are many reasons for this, including:

  • inadequate food, (Feeding a dysplastic dog, Feeding a dog with cancer)
  • increased physical exertion (e.g. agility, racing, hunting and working dogs),
  • a sedentary lifestyle and excess weight in dogs kept indoors,
  • different types of disposition and breeding anomalies,
  • natural wear and tear, inflammation, wear and tear associated with age.

With proper nutrition, exercise and various nutritional supplements, joint diseases can be controlled and their symptoms alleviated!

Its application to indications is based on many years of experience, but results cannot be guaranteed and may vary from individual to individual.

(1 chewable tablet 4000 mg)

Glucosamine sulphate
250 mg
It helps to maintain the health of joints, cartilages and tendons, helping them to regenerate and preventing further damage by maintaining and lubricating them.
Calcium carbonate
200 mg
A compound used to replace calcium, which is essential for the health of bones and joints. This breast relieves inflammation.
Chondroitin sulphate
200 mg
Chondroitin sulphate is a major constituent of cartilage tissue due to its excellent water-binding capacity. Its water-binding capacity ensures the mechanical-elastic properties of cartilage.
(with Beta 1.3-1.6 glucan content)
185 mg
An immune-boosting ingredient containing medicinal mushrooms concentrates that, in addition to its general immune-boosting effects, accelerates the rebuilding process and provides the body with protection to prevent cartilage wear and tear.
185 mg
Thanks to its antioxidant action, it helps protect cells and supports the immune system. It slows down the ageing of cells, helps protect the body’s connective tissue fibres, inhibits wrinkling and preserves the skin’s water content. Its production decreases with age and external supplementation is recommended.
Protein obtained from hydrolyzed eggshell membrane (ESM)
100 mg
If either, it is one of the key active ingredients in K9 FullFlex™. It is produced by hydrolysis from a thin rubbery membrane on the inner wall of the eggshell for improved bioavailability. This protein solution has unique properties that make it one of the most important ingredients in the product, responsible for healthy joints. Among other things, the high ESM content (100 mg per wafer) distinguishes K9 FullFlex™ from similar products.
90 mg
Turmeric’s natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties make it a popular ingredient in joint care products, but its antioxidant content and immune-boosting effects are not negligible.
Boswellia serrata extract
70 mg
A natural, non-steroidal type of anti-inflammatory pain reliever. It acts on the same receptors as morphine, making it an immediate, long-lasting and powerful pain reliever. And it’s completely safe!
Bovine (milk) immune protein concentrate Colostrum

25 mg
Piper nigrum
10 mg
It can help reduce joint inflammation and muscle stiffness.

As well as

Calcium propionate, linseed, glycerin, lecithin, arrowroot, rosemary extract, vegetable oils, flavouring.

Contains eggs and milk!

  • For dogs under 18 kg: 1 chew per day
    (2 monthly doses)
  • For dogs ower 18 kg: 2 chews per day
    (1 monthly dose)

Directly into the animal’s mouth or mixed into the feed.

Product warranty

We are so confident in the quality of our products that we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If our products don’t work or you’re not happy with them, return the unopened, unused product and we’ll refund your purchase price (excluding shipping costs), no questions asked. Details ›


K9 Immunity™ is made from 100% USDA (US Department of Agriculture) and EU Certified Organic approved ingredients, manufactured to strict GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards and FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) recommendations. Made from all-natural, non-toxic, 100% certified pure ingredients by Aloha Medicinals Inc. In Hungary, it is certified as “other medicinal preparation” by the Agricultural Administration Office, issued to K9-Immun Ltd.  More information ›

The K9 INU®, K9 InuFactor®, K9 InuExtra®, K9 InuFlex® products are made in Hungary from carefully selected American and European ingredients, adhering to strict manufacturing regulations. They are certified by the National Food Chain Safety Office for K9-Immun Kft. as “other therapeutic products.” More information ›


Delivery by the DPD courier service. More details »


The purchase price of products can be settled via PayPal. You can pay by logging into your PayPal account in our payment interface or, if you do not have an account, by entering your credit card details in the PayPal interface. More details »

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6 reviews for K9 FullFlex™

  1. Kalló Hajnalka (verified owner)

    It was not the first time I used it on my 15-year-old dysplasic vizsla. When it was unavailable, I tried to replace it with another product, but none came close. I don’t know if it’s the incense or some other ingredient that works so well, but after two days the dog’s mood and condition improved dramatically. He is running around like new 😀. Not cheap, but I wouldn’t change it for anything else. I heartily recommend it.

  2. Sophia (verified owner)

    Excellent product! I recommend it to everyone whose pet has dysplasia. Nothing else worked for us.

  3. Ludovica (verified owner)

    All’inizio ero riluttante a comprare il vostro prodotto chiamato K9 Fullflex a causa del prezzo relativamente alto, ma ora non lo cambierei con nient’altro, perché ha SUPERATO TUTTE LE MIE ASPETTATIVE!

    Ecco la nostra storia per dimostrarlo:
    Il mio Labrador, che ha quasi 11 anni, ha avuto molti problemi muscolo-scheletrici fin da cucciolo, e poiché questi si sono accumulati nel tempo, gli interventi chirurgici hanno avuto un effetto minimo. Ha una grave displasia dell’anca, del gomito e del ginocchio, una colonna vertebrale rigida (bamboo spine) e un’ernia cervicale. Per questo ho provato moltissimi prodotti che potessero aiutarlo, persino steroidi e antidolorifici potenti, che però gli hanno causato problemi agli organi interni e, per di più, non avevano più un effetto significativo. Davvero, niente lo aiutava.
    Non giocava, non correva e non si divertiva con il nostro altro cane da 3 anni, quando ho trovato K9 Fullflex e sono rimasta colpita dal contenuto di funghi medicinali e dall’alto livello di estratto di cozza verde. Ho chiesto ad alcuni amici con cani delle loro esperienze con questo prodotto e tutti me ne hanno parlato bene. Così ho deciso di acquistare una confezione di prova, ma non mi aspettavo un miracolo. Invece avrei dovuto, perché è successo!

    Dopo una settimana(!) di trattamento con FullFlex, ha ritrovato la voglia di giocare e correre con il nostro altro cane! È diventato molto più vigile, deciso e mobile. A volte si mette persino a correre e a farmi divertire con i suoi giochi!

    Sono infinitamente grata che Fullflex mi abbia aiutata a riavere il vero Cesare, il mio Labrador eternamente allegro.
    Questo prodotto vale davvero ogni euro, lo consiglio a tutti!

  4. Katarína (verified owner)

    Vybrali sme si produkt K9 FullFlex pre nášho 9-ročného jazvečíka, pretože sme si všimli, že občas kríva na pravú prednú labku a jeho rameno je citlivé. Pravdepodobne si namohol alebo privrel sval na ramene, keďže inak je veľmi aktívny (a niekedy až príliš živý) psík. Keď začal otáčať labku smerom von, aby si uľavil od bolesti, hľadali sme niečo, čo by mu mohlo pomôcť.

    Už po 3-4 dňoch sme videli zlepšenie, a teraz už vôbec nekríva. Náš energický psík je späť, a jeho labky sú zase v poriadku (samozrejme, ako to pri tomto plemene môže byť).

    Produkt sa ukázal ako veľmi účinný, a určite mu ho budeme dávať pravidelne.


  5. Martina (verified owner)

    My elderly dog has been suffering from joint problems for many years. I have taken him to our vet regularly and he has had little or no relief from his pain with medication.

    K9 FullFlex has worked wonders. He can bounce happily, can run again, doesn’t whine at any movement and uses all four legs equally.

  6. Daan (verified owner)

    Wij hebben een grote, 13-jarige kruising. Twee jaar geleden werd hij in zijn linker poot gebeten door een teek. Dankzij snelle hulp van de dierenarts is hij gelukkig nog steeds bij ons. Sindsdien gebruikt hij zijn gebeten poot minder en heeft hij steeds meer moeite om op te staan. Medicijnen gaven hem vaak last van zijn maag.

    Na een paar weken K9 Fullflex te hebben gebruikt, liep hij weer vrolijk rond, en hij had geen bijwerkingen.

    We raden dit product zeker aan!

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