K9 Immunity is a dietary supplement containing medicinal mushrooms for dogs suffering from diseases caused by tumors and immune system disorders.
K9 Immunity contains the ingredients used in human medicine, which are already decisive in the treatment of human cancer in more than 30 countries. It was first used in guide dogs in the United States, and is still used with thousands of dogs with outstanding success.
The formulation contains immunoactivating polysaccharide and heteropolysaccharide compounds, beta-glucan (PSK), polysaccharide peptide (PSP), lentinan and nearly 200 other immunoactive polysaccharides that have been shown to be effective in human cancer treatment.
Applications of K9 immunity
- Strengthens the immune system, improves its functioning. In addition to traditional treatments, it helps the body to fight cancer once it has been diagnosed.
- It increases the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatments and reduces their side effects.
- It reduces susceptibility to other diseases after chemotherapy by boosting the immune system.
- It helps the body regenerate after chemotherapy and reduces the chance of cancer recurrence.
- General conditioner, immune booster, with all the benefits of a healthy immune system.
K9 Immunity
One of the most common causes of cancer is a malfunctioning immune system. Approximately 100 million cells are multiplying every day in adult dogs, but some of these also carry genetic defects.
One of the immune system’s most important tasks is to recognise and destroy the defective cells before they can multiply and pass on the defect.
However, if the dysfunctional immune system fails to recognise the degenerated cell and the immune response fails, the cell starts to grow. A tumour develops.
More articles on dogs’ cancer, their treatment, and prevention.
As an alternative to this product, K9 INU® is now available.
The fundamental aim of all immunomodulatory therapies is to activate the immune system, thereby triggering the body’s ability to heal itself. A properly functioning immune system recognises tumour cells and destroys them before they can multiply.
The secret behind the effectiveness of K9 Immunity™ is a concentrated blend of 6 different medicinal mushrooms in high concentrations, which have been proven in numerous experiments and studies to be beneficial against cancer.
Its application to indications is based on many years of experience, but results cannot be guaranteed and may vary from individual to individual.
Klara (verified owner) –
Since I have been on K9 the tumour has “settled”. A year and a half ago a huge tumour the size of two fists was removed from the dog. New tumor started growing in the spring, in two places at once. That’s when I ordered the K9 Immunity. The tumor simply remained in its original form. It was a hard little lump. And the dog is happy, lively, catches the bird in flight. He has a great appetite and he’s over 12.
I don’t know who found or discovered this, but God bless him!
Gabi (verified owner) –
Aj u nás sme mali prípad rakoviny u nášho 13-ročného psa ZSOMIho. Diagnóza bola GRADE III. Každý týždeň a potom každé dva týždne dostával chemoterapiu. Doktor povedal, že ak nedostane chemoterapiu, jeho nádor narastie do veľkosti hlavy. Začalo to hrčou na vnútornej strane líca. Hneď ako začal užívať Immunity booster, už o pár dní mal lepšiu náladu, bol šťastný a hravý. Nemohli sme uveriť, ako veľmi sa jeho stav zlepšil. Teraz už chodíme len na mesačné ošetrenia. Nádor sa tak zmenšil, že sa doktor spýtal: ste si istí, že je to na tejto strane?
Preto som napísala náš príbeh, pretože má zmysel dávať to starším psom. Môžem to odporučiť každému.
S pozdravom,
Matteo (verified owner) –
È un prodotto molto buono, secondo il nostro veterinario è questo che tiene ancora in vita Giotto.
Grazie mille, lo consiglio a tutti!
John (verified owner) –
I would like to share my opinion about your product.
Two months ago my dwarf schnauzer was diagnosed with bladder tumour. We were very distressed. Our puppy Reno is 14 years old. The vet, who I can say is a friend, informed me of the possibility of surgery, but as a good friend, he did not recommend surgery because of the age of the dog and other risks. We left the clinic very devastated and devastated. When I got home, I started browsing the internet to see if I could find something that would “work wonders” in this situation.
That’s how I found K9 Immunity capsules, which we immediately ordered and dosed Reno as described. We had to go back to the vet a few days ago for a follow-up ultrasound. We were very afraid of what news the vet would give us, what would he say about the dog’s general condition, how much the tumour had grown, how much longer we could spend together?
The first thing the doctor told us was that Reno looked very well, he hadn’t lost any weight, which surprised even her.
Then came the ultrasound scan, when she was told that it was a miracle: the tumour had not grown, in fact it had shrunk a few mm compared to the previous state.
The doctor knew to give him the K9 capsules and she also recommended that we continue taking Immunity, because there was no other reason why the growth of this aggressive tumour had stopped and the general condition of the dog was excellent. I wanted to share this joy with everyone and thank DogHealth.com for giving us a little more time to spend with our pets with the help of their product.
I can only recommend this product to everyone. We wish you all the best for the future.
Marlene (verified owner) –
Ich segne den Tag, an dem ich von einem Bekannten eine Packung K9 Immunity erhalten habe. Bei meinem Hund wurde ein bösartiger Tumor am Bein diagnostiziert, der aufgrund seiner Größe nicht operiert werden konnte. Ich hatte kaum Hoffnung. Das war im November letzten Jahres. Damals gaben die Tierärzte meinem Hund noch sechs Monate. Eine Amputation stand ebenfalls im Raum. Doch nach einigen Monaten begann der Tumor zu schrumpfen und im Sommer war er vollständig verschwunden. Seitdem ist mein Hund glücklich und gesund, und vom Tumor gibt es keine Spur mehr. Ich kann meine Aussagen mit medizinischer Dokumentation belegen.