Medicinal mushroom immune booster for elderly dogs or dogs with cancer
K9 Immunity Plus – Complete immune protection for weakened immune system, old or dogs with cancer and a natural performance booster for healthy, sporting pets.
Applications of K9 Immunity Plus
- For sport, competition and working dogs, it enhances performance and energizes the body, while maintaining health.
- It helps prevent cancer in ageing, older dogs by keeping the immune system healthy.
- It increases the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatments and reduces their side effects.
- It helps the body regenerate after chemotherapy and reduces the chance of tumour recurrence.
- Improves the body’s resistance to bacterial and other infections.
- General immune strengthening, with all the benefits of a healthy immune system.
K9 Immunity Plus™ contains the unique ingredients of K9 Immunity™, K9 InuFactor®, and K9 Omega™ in a single chewable bite.
However, this trio can help us not only in overcoming diseases. Among the medicinal mushrooms in the formulation is one used by human athletes as a natural performance enhancer.
- Regardless of age, 23% of small animals and 45% of animals over 10 years of age died of cancer (based on 2000 post-mortem examinations).
- Based on a survey of owners (2000 owners), 47% of dogs and 32% of cats have died from this group of diseases.
(Source: Veterinary Hematology and Oncology Center)
Currently, the most effective treatment for cancer is PREVENTION!
This is particularly true for our four-legged pets, who are not usually taken for annual check-ups. They cannot tell us their symptoms, so most of the time, by the time they are diagnosed with a tumor, the disease is already in a very advanced state.
One of the most common causes of cancer is a malfunctioning immune system. Approximately 100 million cells are multiplying every day in adult dogs, but some of these also carry genetic defects. One of the immune system’s main tasks is to recognise and destroy these defective cells before they can reproduce themselves and the defect.
However, if the dysfunctional immune system fails to recognise the degenerated cell and the immune response fails, the cell starts to grow and a tumour develops. (You can read about the connection between dog tumor and medicinal mushroom and the cause of tumor formation here.)
Immunomodulatory therapy and K9 Immunity Plus™
The fundamental aim of all immunomodulatory therapies is to activate the immune system, thereby triggering the body’s ability to heal itself. A properly functioning immune system recognises tumour cells and destroys them before they can multiply.
The most effective way to prevent tumour development in your pet is to keep the immune system healthy and strong, and feeding the dog with cancer is a key part of this!
The K9 Immunity Plus complex food supplement contains the active ingredients of K9 Immunity™, K9 InuFactor®, and K9 Omega™, among others.
As an alternative to this product, K9 InuExtra® is now available.
Its application to indications is based on many years of experience, but results cannot be guaranteed and may vary from individual to individual.
Giulia (verified owner) –
Lo scorso novembre Happy è stato diagnosticato con cistite, e l’ecografia (UH) ha mostrato una lesione di 4×7 mm sulla parete della vescica. L’infiammazione si è risolta immediatamente dopo un ciclo di farmaci, e Happy ha reagito bene, dato che era solo la seconda volta nella sua vita che assumeva un vero medicinale, all’età di 8 anni. Tuttavia, la lesione sulla vescica era molto preoccupante, e dopo un’attenta ricerca ho deciso di dargli il K9 Immunity Plus.
Dopo un mese e mezzo siamo tornati per un controllo, e non c’era più traccia dell’ispessimento! Secondo l’ecografia, tutto è a posto con Happy. L’ecografia ha confermato che la sua vescica è in buone condizioni.
Clémence (verified owner) –
Je souhaite partager mon avis sur votre produit.
Il y a deux mois, on a diagnostiqué une tumeur à la vessie chez mon schnauzer nain. Nous étions très inquiets. Notre petit Reno a 14 ans. Le vétérinaire, que je considère comme un ami, m’a parlé de la possibilité d’une opération, mais en tant que bon ami, il ne l’a pas recommandée en raison de l’âge du chien et des autres risques. Nous avons quitté la clinique bouleversés et abattus. En rentrant à la maison, j’ai commencé à chercher sur Internet si je pouvais trouver quelque chose qui pourrait « faire des miracles » dans une telle situation.
C’est ainsi que j’ai trouvé les capsules K9 Immunity Plus, que nous avons immédiatement commandées et administrées à Reno conformément aux indications. Nous sommes retournés chez le vétérinaire il y a quelques jours pour un contrôle par échographie. Nous avions très peur des nouvelles que le vétérinaire pourrait nous donner : que dirait-il sur l’état général du chien, combien la tumeur avait-elle grossi, combien de temps pourrions-nous encore passer ensemble ?
La première chose que le vétérinaire nous a dite, c’est que Reno avait l’air en pleine forme, il n’avait pas perdu de poids, ce qui l’a beaucoup étonnée.
Puis est venue l’échographie, et elle nous a dit que c’était un miracle : la tumeur n’avait pas grossi, en fait, elle avait même rétréci de quelques millimètres par rapport à l’état précédent.
Le vétérinaire a compris qu’il avait reçu les capsules K9 Immunity Plus et nous a également recommandé de continuer à les lui donner, car il n’y avait aucune autre explication à l’arrêt de la croissance de cette tumeur agressive et à l’excellent état général du chien. Je voulais partager cette joie avec tout le monde et remercier pour nous avoir offert un peu plus de temps avec notre compagnon grâce à leur produit.
Je ne peux que recommander ce produit à tout le monde. Nous vous souhaitons tout le meilleur pour l’avenir.