K9 INU®, as an alternative to K9 Immunity, is a medicinal mushroom supplement manufactured in the EU for dogs suffering from cancer and immune system disorders.
It contains the same medicinal mushroom concentrate as K9 Immunity, manufactured by Aloha Medicinals Inc. in the USA, but in powdered form. At a lower price thanks to EU production.
The formulation contains immunoactivating polysaccharide and heteropolysaccharide compounds, beta-glucan (PSK), polysaccharide peptide (PSP), lentinan and nearly 200 other immunoactive polysaccharides that have been shown to be effective in human cancer treatment.
K9 INU® is officially licensed as an ‘other medicinal product with therapeutic effects’ and is widely used and recommended by veterinarians.
There are no known side effects and thanks to its powder form, it can be easily dosed by mixing into the dog’s food.
Applications of K9 INU®
- Strengthens the immune system, improves its functioning. In addition to traditional treatments, it helps the body to fight cancer once it has been diagnosed.
- It increases the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatments and reduces their side effects.
- It reduces susceptibility to other diseases after chemotherapy by boosting the immune system.
- It helps the body regenerate after chemotherapy and reduces the chance of cancer recurrence.
- General conditioner, immune booster, with all the benefits of a healthy immune system.
One of the most common causes of cancer is a malfunctioning immune system. Approximately 100 million cells are multiplying every day in adult dogs, but some of these also carry genetic defects.
One of the immune system’s most important tasks is to recognise and destroy the defective cells before they can multiply and pass on the defect.
However, if the dysfunctional immune system fails to recognise the degenerated cell and the immune response fails, the cell starts to grow. A tumour develops.
The fundamental aim of all immunomodulatory therapies is to activate the immune system, thereby triggering the body’s ability to heal itself. A properly functioning immune system recognises tumour cells and destroys them before they can multiply.
The secret of the effectiveness of K9 Inu® is a concentrated blend of 6 different medicinal mushrooms in large quantities, which have been proven in numerous experiments and studies to be beneficial against cancer.
Further information about the medicinal mushrooms found in K9 Inu, their mechanism of action, and the scientific publications behind them can be found on our Information for the Veterinarian page.
The canine cancer development process
- Cell division produces degenerate, mutant cells. The number of defective cells produced is affected by a number of factors, including toxins, radiation, birth defects and natural ageing. Age causes most of the defective cells to form. This is why tumours are more common in older dogs.
- Typically, the body recognises and neutralises the resulting defective cells within the first days/weeks/months of their growth and spontaneous healing takes place.
- However, if the immune system fails to respond properly, the correct immune response is not achieved, and the defective cells continue to reproduce themselves until they grow to a size that can be detected by a doctor and we are talking about an actual cancer.
So if the immune system does not notice the defective cell and does not react properly, a tumour can develop. By the time it’s big enough to be diagnosed as cancer, that’s hundreds of millions of abnormal cells. The tumour is then removed by surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy, but the underlying cause has not been removed and there is a high chance of the tumour growing back.
Unless we take the right steps to trigger the body’s self-healing mechanism and achieve the right immune response, the tumour can recur and metastasise! And we cannot talk about a real cure! This is where the immunomodulatory therapy, K9 INU®, comes into play.
For a more complete effect, a combination of K9 Inu® and K9 InuFactor® is recommended.
Its application to indications is based on many years of experience, but results cannot be guaranteed and may vary from individual to individual.
Sofia (verified owner) –
Non l’ho comprato per una malattia specifica, ma per rafforzare il sistema immunitario del mio cane e prevenire eventuali problemi. Lo aggiungo al suo cibo e lo mangia senza problemi. Da quando lo uso, è pieno di energia e vitalità!
Consiglio assolutamente questo prodotto!
Erich (verified owner) –
Ein wirklich ausgezeichnetes Produkt! Ich gebe meinem Hund schon seit Monaten K9 Inu, und die Veränderung ist einfach unglaublich. Er hat viel mehr Energie, fühlt sich sichtlich besser, und sein Immunsystem ist deutlich stärker. Man merkt, dass es ihm richtig guttut.
Ich bin mit den Ergebnissen sehr zufrieden und kann es nur jedem empfehlen, der die Gesundheit seines Hundes fördern möchte!
Vittoria (verified owner) –
Last December, it was determined that my dog has no blood clotting. We spent a week in intensive care. In May, he collapsed and had to undergo emergency surgery. Again, we spent another week enjoying the hospitality of the intensive care unit. Hemangiosarcoma. The doctor gave him 1-2 months without chemo. The family gathered and decided to seek an alternative treatment.
This is how we found K9 INU. It’s been 5 months now, and he’s bursting with energy. I am very grateful that I discovered this product.
Special thanks to Gina, who recently went above and beyond to solve an issue.
Azzurra (verified owner) –
Al nostro cane, Giorno, hanno diagnosticato un linfoma. Il veterinario ci ha detto che non si poteva operare e che gli rimanevano solo pochi mesi. Non ci siamo arresi e abbiamo cercato un’alternativa: così abbiamo scoperto K9 Inu.
Da più di 7 mesi lo usiamo e Giorno sta benissimo! È pieno di energia, proprio come quando era cucciolo. Il veterinario non riesce a spiegarsi cosa sia successo: il tumore è sparito!
Grazie mille per questo prodotto fantastico! Lo consiglio a tutti!
Zvjezdana (verified owner) –
In May, our 9-year-old Komondor was diagnosed with a heart base tumor. At that time, the prognosis was 1-2 months. In June, we discovered K9 Inu. Since then, he has been taking it daily. Now it’s December, and he is alive and doing well.
Claudia (verified owner) –
Un anno fa, il mio cane meticcio segugio di 12/13 anni, ha affrontato un’operazione molto seria, rimozione di un emangiosarcoma retroperitoneale, rimozione di un rene e uretere. L’emangiosarcoma può essere molto aggressivo e metastatizzare a organi distanti, per questo motivo, dopo un mese e mezzo, Lucky ha iniziato la chemioterapia metronomica (era troppo debole per subire quella tradizionale). Ho iniziato immediatamente a dargli K9 InuFactor e K9 Inu, scoperti casualmente su internet,per rafforzare il sistema immunitario, ridurre gli effetti collaterali della chemioterapia e soprattutto con la speranza di ridurre il rischio di neoformazioni .
Cosa posso dire? E’ passato un anno dall’operazione e 10 mesi dall’inizio della chemioterapia e il nostro dolce Lucky non ha ancora avuto effetti collaterali dai farmaci chemioterapici, mangia con molto appetito, fa delle belle passeggiate, è attento e reattivo e i nostri cuori scoppiano di felicità per ogni giorno che ci viene regalato in sua compagnia.
Grazie DogHealth.com e grazie a tutto lo staff, sempre molto gentili quando ho avuto bisogno di informazioni.