K9 INUFactor®

(6 customer reviews)

33,90(11850 HUF)

K9 INUFactor® – Colostrum-containing food supplement with medicinal mushroom concentrate for dogs, supporting a balanced immune system and an appropriate immune response.

45 grams powder / jar

  • For allergies, autoimmune disease, leaky gut syndrome
  • It helps the biological utilization of K9 INU® and K9 Immunity
  • It contributes to the regulated functioning of the immune system
  • Triggers the immune system to respond

K9 INUFactor® – The power of Colostrum

K9 INUFactor®, as an alternative to K9 Transfer Factor, is a colostrum-containing nutritional supplement with added medicinal mushrooms for dogs suffering from diseases caused by tumors and immune system disorders, manufactured in the EU.

For a balanced immune system and a proper immune response

Transfer factor is a group of small “messenger” molecules found in colostrum. They were founded in 1949 by Dr.H. Sherwood Lawrence discovered it while researching TB. Colostrum, i.e. foremilk, is produced in mammals, including humans, only a few days after birth. The newborn’s immune system receives the first immune information with the colostrum, which prompts the first defensive reaction.

The functions of the “messenger” molecules in K9 INUFactor® include:

  • to transmit the ability to recognize pathogens from cell to cell without the given cell having already encountered the pathogen,
  • activates and triggers the immune system to respond to foreign (malignant) cells,
  • thanks to their “intelligence”, they have both immunosuppressive and immunomodulating properties, i.e. they reduce or enhance the function of the immune system if necessary. (underfunction of the immune system, e.g.: various tumors, AIDS; overfunction of the immune system, e.g.: allergy, autoimmune)
  • they remember the microorganisms, so in the event of a possible subsequent attack, the immune response is faster and more effective.

K9 INUFactor® and cancer

Anti-tumour effects of the active substances in Colostrum:

  • Immunoglobulin: supports the immune system, can help the body fight against viruses and bacteria.
  • Citokines: Studies prove that cytokines activate special white blood cells that can identify and destroy tumor cells.
  • Lactalbumin: In experiments, lactalbumin in colostrum caused apoptosis, shrinkage of tumour cells, but had no effect on healthy cells.

Autoimmune disease

An increasing number of dogs are affected by various autoimmune diseases, due to environmental influences, inadequate nutrition, various toxins, etc. The PRPs in colostrum can help to “hold back” an overactive immune system (immunosuppression). Immunoglobulins and lactoferrin act effectively against viruses and various bacteria, which can aggravate autoimmune disorders.

K9 INUFactor® and allergies

Allergies are often an excessive immune response due to an overactive immune system. The MSM and PRPs in colostrum can help moderate the immune system and its response. Colostrum can also be a useful alternative for treating inflammation that causes itching or rashes.

Leaky gut syndrome

This occurs when the intestinal tract is damaged by drugs or other toxins. At the site of injury, undigested food particles enter the bloodstream through the intestinal wall. These can cause an allergic reaction, digestive problems, arthritis. Acting as a prebiotic, lactoferrin in colostrum helps feed healthy intestinal bacteria and can help treat inflammation. Studies have shown that colostrum can help treat leaky gut syndrome.


The beneficial effects of foremilk against leaky gut syndrome mean that it is also effective in treating diarrhoea. Studies have shown that it can help in acute, chronic and infectious diarrhoea. Lactoferrin has been shown to reduce the number of infectious intestinal bacteria and improve the quality of faeces of weaned puppies.

Arthritis, cartilage wear and the K9 INUFactor®

MSM inhibits arthritis and increases joint mobility. With its help, the body can more easily replace damaged cells and improve the structure of damaged tissues. It can help reduce pain and manage inflammation. And growth factors can help repair damaged tissue. More articles on cartilage health.

Oral hygiene

Research has shown that colostrum can reduce the number of bacteria that cause oral hygiene problems and gum disease, which can often lead to tooth loss in your pet. And growth factors can help repair damaged tissue.

Colostrum is basically milk! Use with caution in case of any milk allergy!

Its application to indications is based on many years of experience, but results cannot be guaranteed and may vary from individual to individual.

  • Colostrum powder
  • Immune Assist™ Micron

– Agaricus blazei extract
– Cordyceps sinensis extract
– Trametes versicolor extract
– Ganoderma lucidum extract
– Grifola frondosa extract
– Lentinula edodes extract

Dosage: 500 mg product / 10 BW (kg), which is equivalent to one scoop.
For oral use, to be sprinkled over the food.

The product can be used continuously.

Product warranty

We are so confident in the quality of our products that we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If our products don’t work or you’re not happy with them, return the unopened, unused product and we’ll refund your purchase price (excluding shipping costs), no questions asked. Details ›


K9 Immunity™ is made from 100% USDA (US Department of Agriculture) and EU Certified Organic approved ingredients, manufactured to strict GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards and FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) recommendations. Made from all-natural, non-toxic, 100% certified pure ingredients by Aloha Medicinals Inc. In Hungary, it is certified as “other medicinal preparation” by the Agricultural Administration Office, issued to K9-Immun Ltd.  More information ›

The K9 INU®, K9 InuFactor®, K9 InuExtra®, K9 InuFlex® products are made in Hungary from carefully selected American and European ingredients, adhering to strict manufacturing regulations. They are certified by the National Food Chain Safety Office for K9-Immun Kft. as “other therapeutic products.” More information ›


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6 reviews for K9 INUFactor®

  1. Ivica (verified owner)

    Náš psík dostal pred rokom, keď mal 5 rokov, autoimunitné ochorenie. Mal vysokú horúčku, triaslo ho, mal krvavú stolicu a veľa ďalších problémov. Dostal veľa injekcií a vysoké dávky steroidov, ktoré mu zničili imunitu. Kvôli tomu sa mu na tele urobili vredy z kožných infekcií, a museli sme ho úplne ostrihať. Steroidy mu navyše spôsobili žalúdočné a dvanástnikové vredy. Vďaka starostlivej liečbe nevykrvácal. Pes, ktorý bol predtým čistotný, začal močiť a kakať 15-20-krát za deň. Neskôr bol úplne apatický, sotva vstal na jedlo, ak vôbec. Vrčal, hrýzol, štekal. Prechádzky boli utrpenie. Niekoľkokrát sme si mysleli, že bude lepšie ho nechať zaspať.

    ALE NEUROBILI SME TO! A dobre sme spravili! Postupne sa zlepšil, a mohli sme znížiť steroidy na nižšiu dávku, aj keď stále pomerne vysokú. Potom k nám prišiel nový kamarát, roztomilé 4-mesačné šteniatko havanského psíka, ktorého voláme len „terapeutické šteniatko“. Pred tromi mesiacmi som objavila K9 InuFactor! Povedala som si, že to vyskúšam, hoci som bola skeptická a neverila, že by sa Leov stav ešte mohol zlepšiť. Trvalo to asi 4 týždne, a Leo už viedol našu malú svorku. Už tri mesiace užíva K9 InuFactor. Teraz znovu behá, hrá sa s inými psami, sleduje, učí sa so svojím malým kamarátom Demon, dobre je, je znovu čistotný, a hlavne, steroidy sme znížili na 2×1/8!

    Sme veľmi šťastní, že sme objavili tento úžasný produkt!
    Dúfame, že Leo a Demon budú súčasťou našej rodiny ešte dlhé roky!

  2. Mia

    Ich habe es für meinen 13-jährigen Hund gekauft, dessen weiße Blutkörperchen zu niedrig waren. Nachdem das Nahrungsergänzungsmittel aufgebraucht war, ließ ich erneut ein Labor machen, und die Ergebnisse haben sich verbessert. Ich weiß nicht, ob es an diesem Pulver lag, da er sonst nichts anderes bekommen hat, aber ich werde es erneut bestellen, in der Hoffnung, dass K9 InuFactor geholfen hat.

  3. Allegra (verified owner)

    Ho iniziato a usare K9 InuFactor per il mio cane anziano, e i risultati sono incredibili! Ha smesso di grattarsi, ha ritrovato energia, gioca di nuovo ed è molto più felice. Un prodotto fantastico che consiglio a tutti i proprietari di cani!

  4. lara (verified owner)

    La mia pastore tedesco di 10 anni, Bella, aveva problemi di digestione da molto tempo. Spesso soffriva di diarrea, il suo stomaco era sensibile e non sembrava più il cane felice di una volta. Ho provato diverse diete e integratori, ma nessuno ha davvero funzionato.

    Poi ho scoperto il K9 InuFaktor, e in poche settimane ho visto un cambiamento incredibile. La digestione di Bella si è stabilizzata, e ora è di nuovo piena di energia e serena.

    Sono davvero felice di aver trovato questo prodotto naturale ed efficace. Lo consiglio a tutti i proprietari che vogliono aiutare il proprio cane a stare meglio.

    Anna, la padrona di Bella

  5. Jules (verified owner)

    Notre vétérinaire nous l’a conseillé pour les allergies et les démangeaisons. Pour l’instant, il semble que notre chien se gratte beaucoup moins. Je recommande ce produit à ceux qui ont des problèmes similaires !

  6. Claudia (verified owner)

    Un anno fa, il mio cane meticcio segugio di 12/13 anni, ha affrontato un’operazione molto seria, rimozione di un emangiosarcoma retroperitoneale, rimozione di un rene e uretere. L’emangiosarcoma può essere molto aggressivo e metastatizzare a organi distanti, per questo motivo, dopo un mese e mezzo, Lucky ha iniziato la chemioterapia metronomica (era troppo debole per subire quella tradizionale). Ho iniziato immediatamente a dargli K9 InuFactor e K9 Inu, scoperti casualmente su internet,per rafforzare il sistema immunitario, ridurre gli effetti collaterali della chemioterapia e soprattutto con la speranza di ridurre il rischio di neoformazioni .

    Cosa posso dire? E’ passato un anno dall’operazione e 10 mesi dall’inizio della chemioterapia e il nostro dolce Lucky non ha ancora avuto effetti collaterali dai farmaci chemioterapici, mangia con molto appetito, fa delle belle passeggiate, è attento e reattivo e i nostri cuori scoppiano di felicità per ogni giorno che ci viene regalato in sua compagnia.

    Grazie DogHealth.com e grazie a tutto lo staff, sempre molto gentili quando ho avuto bisogno di informazioni.

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