K9 InuFlex®

(12 customer reviews)

41,40(14500 HUF)

K9 InuFlex® for dogs is a joint-protecting, cartilage-strengthening formulation with green mussel extract, natural pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting ingredients.

220 grams of powder / bag

  • Additional treatment for orthopaedic surgery
  • To reduce the development of dysplasia and relieve its symptoms
  • Treatment of cartilage wear and arthritis
  • To preserve the mobility of dogs

Why does your dog need joint support?

Joint problems do not only affect older dogs but can also occur in younger, active pets. Whether it’s arthritis, dysplasia, or natural cartilage wear due to aging, these conditions are often accompanied by pain, stiffness, and restricted movement. Don’t let your beloved pet suffer!

What does K9 InuFlex® offer?

Comprehensive joint support

K9 InuFlex® is made exclusively from natural ingredients with scientifically proven efficacy, including green-lipped mussel extract, hydrolyzed eggshell membrane (ESM), colostrum, and medicinal mushrooms (Cordyceps, Reishi, Shiitake). These ingredients not only promote joint regeneration but also strengthen the immune system.

Anti-inflammatory and pain relief

The Boswellia serrata extract in the product acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, reducing joint pain while slowing down further cartilage damage.

Quick results

You can notice the effects of K9 InuFlex® within just 10 days of use, as your pet becomes more agile and energetic.

Who Is It Recommended For?

  • Senior dogs to help maintain their mobility and quality of life.
  • Sport and working dogs whose joints endure increased strain.
  • Dogs of all ages where joint problems need to be prevented or managed.

With proper nutrition, exercise and various nutritional supplements such as K9 InuFlex®, joint diseases can be controlled and their symptoms alleviated!

Don’t wait any longer—support your dog’s joints and give them the freedom to move! Order K9 InuFlex® now!

Its application to indications is based on many years of experience, but results cannot be guaranteed and may vary from individual to individual.

1 scoop (5 g)

Glucosamine sulphate
350 mg
It helps to maintain the health of joints, cartilages and tendons, helping them to regenerate and preventing further damage by maintaining and lubricating them.
Chondroitin sulphate
286 mg
Chondroitin sulphate is a major constituent of cartilage tissue due to its excellent water-binding capacity. Its water-binding capacity ensures the mechanical-elastic properties of cartilage.
(with Beta 1.3-1.6 glucan content)
140 mg
An immune-boosting ingredient containing medicinal mushrooms concentrates that, in addition to its general immune-boosting effects, accelerates the rebuilding process and provides the body with protection to prevent cartilage wear and tear.
260 mg
Thanks to its antioxidant action, it helps protect cells and supports the immune system. It slows down the ageing of cells, helps protect the body’s connective tissue fibres, inhibits wrinkling and preserves the skin’s water content. Its production decreases with age and external supplementation is recommended.
Protein obtained from hydrolyzed eggshell membrane (ESM)
140 mg
If any, it is one of the key active ingredients in K9 InuFlex®. It is produced by hydrolysis from a thin rubbery membrane on the inner wall of the eggshell for improved bioavailability. This protein solution, with its special properties, is one of the most important ingredients of the product, responsible for healthy joints. Among others, the high ESM content distinguishes K9 InuFlex® from similar products.
Boswellia serrata extract
98 mg
A natural, non-steroidal type of anti-inflammatory pain reliever. It acts on the same receptors as morphine, making it an immediate, long-lasting and powerful pain reliever. And it’s completely safe!
Colostrum powder

140 mg
It helps the flow of information within the body, contributes to the regulated functioning of the immune system and helps the body to function normally against further disease.
14 mg
By passing through the inner lining of the joint capsule, it thickens the synovial fluid and participates in the nutrition of cartilage tissue. Its ability to absorb, bind and release water affects the viscosity of the synovial fluid, its ability to reduce friction and ultimately protects the cartilage.

As well as

Monocalcium phosphate, beef liver flavouring, stearic acid, dextrose, lactose.
Moisture content: Max 5%
Crude protein: Max 22%
Crude fat: Max 2%
Raw ash: Max 30%
Crude fibre: Max 1%

For a dog weighing 12.5 kg:

  • Dosage: ½ measuring spoon per day – mixed into the food.
  • Usage duration: Lasts for 88 days.

For a dog weighing 25 kg:

  • Dosage: 1 measuring spoon per day – mixed into the food.
  • Usage duration: Lasts for 44 days.

For dogs with different weights, the dosage should be adjusted proportionally.

Package contents:
A measuring spoon is included in the package.

Product warranty

We are so confident in the quality of our products that we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If our products don’t work or you’re not happy with them, return the unopened, unused product and we’ll refund your purchase price (excluding shipping costs), no questions asked. Details ›


K9 Immunity™ is made from 100% USDA (US Department of Agriculture) and EU Certified Organic approved ingredients, manufactured to strict GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards and FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) recommendations. Made from all-natural, non-toxic, 100% certified pure ingredients by Aloha Medicinals Inc. In Hungary, it is certified as “other medicinal preparation” by the Agricultural Administration Office, issued to K9-Immun Ltd.  More information ›

The K9 INU®, K9 InuFactor®, K9 InuExtra®, K9 InuFlex® products are made in Hungary from carefully selected American and European ingredients, adhering to strict manufacturing regulations. They are certified by the National Food Chain Safety Office for K9-Immun Kft. as “other therapeutic products.” More information ›


Delivery by the DPD courier service. More details »


The purchase price of products can be settled via PayPal. You can pay by logging into your PayPal account in our payment interface or, if you do not have an account, by entering your credit card details in the PayPal interface. More details »

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12 reviews for K9 InuFlex®

  1. Lotte (verified owner)

    2019.10.06. Unfortunately, K9 FullFlex didn’t work for us so we gave something else, but I really like the ingredients of this one, especially the medicinal mushroom extract. We will definitely try it because he has advanced hip dysplasia on one side and arthritis on the other leg.

    2019.10.19. We just started today, I have high hopes for it I admit. We’ll see what happens in a week…

    2019.10.26. Dear DOG HEALTH.COM, I will try to briefly describe the effect. My Molly is a 10 year old beagle girl puppy. Unfortunately she has already developed advanced dysplasia in one leg and arthritis in the other. We have been taking all sorts of things, everything, including medication. The previous ones have helped her a lot, but we wanted to change things up a bit and try something else and I have to admit I had high hopes for K9 InuFlex.

    Well the experience I’m seeing on my puppy is FANTASTIC. He runs, he runs, he’s up way more and he’s back to being the old Mollyka. We can only recommend this product because it has really worked for us even though we have only been on it for 1 week.

    Thank you on behalf of Mollyka.

  2. Luka (verified owner)

    Odkar K9 Fullflex ni več na voljo, dajemo to našemu psu.
    (To je že tretji.)
    Našemu veterinarju popolnoma zaupamo, vprašali smo ga za mnenje in izdelek nam je popolnoma priporočil.
    Za nas je bilo to več kot dovolj!

  3. Klara (verified owner)

    Mein 13,5 Jahre alter Pudel hatte in den letzten Jahren ab und zu ein bisschen gehumpelt, doch eines Tages konnte er plötzlich nicht mehr auf seinen Hinterbeinen stehen. Der Tierarzt meinte, er sei alt und hätte Probleme mit der Hüfte und der Wirbelsäule. Er bekam Medikamente, Spritzen und Infusionen, die kurzfristig halfen, aber nach zwei Wochen war es wieder genauso schlimm. Die Prognose war nicht gut…

    In meiner letzten Hoffnung habe ich K9 InuFlex bestellt. Seitdem er es bekommt, ist er viel beweglicher, kann sogar wieder rennen und hat keine Schmerzen mehr! Ich kann es jedem empfehlen, dessen Hund ähnliche Probleme hat. Vielen Dank!

  4. Amelie (verified owner)

    I buy this product for my 17-year-old dog. I first tried it about 5-6 years ago, and back then it worked like a miracle. Within just a few days, my dog became noticeably more agile and “light on her feet.” At the time, I gave it as a course and then stopped.

    At 17, the product can’t perform miracles anymore, but it has still made a big difference in her mobility and brought visible relief. She seems much more at ease now. So I’ve decided to keep giving it to her for the rest of her life.

  5. lara (verified owner)

    Ho ritrovato il mio cane grazie a K9 InuFlex!

    Da un po’ di tempo avevo notato che Bella, il mio pastore tedesco di 10 anni, si muoveva con sempre maggiore difficoltà. Preferiva riposarsi piuttosto che fare lunghe passeggiate, e persino la sua pallina preferita non la entusiasmava più come prima. Era straziante vedere come gli anni la stavano rallentando.

    Una mia amica mi ha consigliato il K9 InuFlex e, sebbene fossi inizialmente un po’ scettica, ho deciso di provarlo – farei qualsiasi cosa per Bella. Dopo qualche settimana ho iniziato a vedere il cambiamento: al mattino mi aspettava saltellando vicino alla porta, e al parco correva di nuovo come faceva da giovane.

    La cosa più bella è stata rivederla felice. Ho notato che si muoveva con più facilità e che tornava a godersi quelle cose che una volta le davano tanta gioia.

    Consiglio vivamente il K9 InuFlex a tutti i proprietari che desiderano una vita più felice e senza dolori per il proprio cane. Sono grata per questo prodotto – Bella ha ritrovato la sua energia e io riempio il cuore di gioia ogni volta che la vedo giocare.

    Lara, la padrona di Bella

  6. Matej (verified owner)

    Izdelek je neverjeten!

    Moj 5-letni leonberžan se že od mladička bori z displazijo. Preizkusil sem že ogromno izdelkov, vendar nič ni zares pomagalo. Vedno je šepal.

    Že pol leta jemlje InuFlex, in kot da bi ga zamenjali! Zdaj mu ga bom dajal vedno!

    Medo in Matej

  7. Annika (verified owner)

    Wir haben zunächst mit K9 Fullflex begonnen, aber leider hat es nicht die erwarteten Ergebnisse geliefert. Also haben wir es durch K9 Inuflex ersetzt, das später auf den Markt kam und alles innerhalb einer Woche verändert hat. Mein vorher apathischer Beagle (damals 8 Jahre alt), der kaum noch laufen konnte, hat sich komplett verändert. Er war wieder der junge, energiegeladene, verspielte und glückliche Hund, der er früher war. Es sieht so aus, als müsste er dieses Pulver für den Rest seines Lebens nehmen. Hoffentlich gewöhnt sich sein Körper nicht zu sehr daran. Wenn ich Hilfe benötige, werde ich mich auf jeden Fall an Sie wenden.

  8. michael (verified owner)

    Ein wirklich tolles Produkt – mein Hund läuft wieder wie früher.
    Ich kann es nur empfehlen!

  9. Jana (verified owner)

    Izvrstan proizvod!

    Moj 9-godišnji pas jedva se ustajao i vrlo teško se kretao. Nakon nekoliko tjedana korištenja K9 InuFlexa primijetio sam veliko poboljšanje. Lakše se kreće, sada već i ide po stepenicama, i čini se mnogo sretnijim.

    Preporučujem svima čiji psi pate od problema s zglobovima!

  10. Bastien (verified owner)

    Après quelques jours d’utilisation, les symptômes des douleurs articulaires de notre chien ont considérablement diminué.
    Le produit dure longtemps, et il est facile à mélanger avec la nourriture, qu’il mange volontiers.

  11. Francesca (verified owner)

    Prodotto efficace! Probabilmente, senza questo prodotto, la nostra Gina, che ha 15 anni, non riuscirebbe nemmeno ad alzarsi in piedi. Anche salire le scale è diventato molto più facile da quando lo prende.

  12. Olga

    Toto dávam svojmu psovi, 8-ročnému nemeckému ovčiakovi, ktorý má bohužiaľ problémy s kĺbmi a medzistavcovou prietržou, ale s týmto práškom je jeho pohyb dokonalý, nemá žiadne bolesti a žije plnohodnotný život. Odteraz ho bude dostávať stále! Môžem len odporučiť!

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