Why is joint protection important for dogs?

Joint problems, such as hip dysplasia, arthritis, and other degenerative diseases, can severely affect our dogs' quality of life and mobility. Joint protection and cartilage-strengthening supplements can not only help in the treatment of existing joint conditions but also play a key role in maintaining joint health, ensuring that our dogs remain active and happy in the long run.

What are the benefits of natural joint supplements?

  • They help in treating connective tissue injuries, inflammation, complementing orthopedic surgical procedures, shortening recovery periods, and reducing pain.
  • They are beneficial for treating and alleviating symptoms of conditions caused by improper care, aging, or breed-specific diseases (arthritis, osteoarthritis, various types of dysplasia, etc.).
  • For aging dogs, they help maintain the elasticity and strength of connective tissues and delay natural wear and tear.
  • For large, fast-growing dog breeds, starting from puppyhood, they aid in nourishing and protecting bones, cartilage, and tendons, while maintaining and improving overall mobility.
  • Joint diseases are among the most common, long-lasting, and painful issues that affect a dog's quality of life.

The best joint protection and cartilage supplements for dogs

It is difficult to single out one product because what works wonders for one dog might only slightly alleviate symptoms in another. However, it is certain that certain ingredients, such as glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, hyaluronic acid, ESM, etc., significantly contribute to maintaining the health of joints and cartilage and preserving mobility.

The advantages of our products

We have included as many active ingredients as possible in our products in optimal proportions, enhanced with a bit of medicinal mushroom and colostrum, to provide solutions for the widest range of joint diseases in dogs.

Showing all 2 results

  • K9 FullFlex Complex hip & joint booster for dogs

    K9 FullFlex™

    • Treatment of cartilage wear and arthritis
    • To reduce the development of dysplasia and relieve its symptoms
    • To preserve the mobility of dogs
    57,00(19950 HUF)
  • K9 InuFlex® - complex Joint supplements for dogs

    K9 InuFlex®

    • Made in EU
    • Carefully selected, international ingredients
    • To get your pet moving more easily again
    41,40(14500 HUF)

The dysplasia

Dysplasia is a hereditary dog disease, but its symptoms can be alleviated with the right lifestyle, diet and treatment if detected early.
The bone ends that make up the joints, or the cartilage surfaces that cover them, fit together inaccurately. This misalignment can lead to subsequent degenerative joint changes (arthrosis), joint dislocation (subluxation) or cartilage loss, depending on the type and degree of dysplasia.

The recessive (latent) genes responsible for dysplasia are inherited before birth, but the disease cannot be detected immediately after birth. It usually occurs early in the life of puppies (4-6 months).

At the onset of dysplasia (typically a few weeks of age), joint fluid builds up, followed by loosening of the joint capsule and the whole joint in a few months. The looser the joint, the more imprecise the fitting of the joint surfaces in contact during movement.

Misaligned joints are subjected to multiple forces under load, making them more prone to dislocation. These periodic partial dislocations initially lead to arthritis, later cartilage wear, cartilage overload (arthrosis), joint deformity and muscle atrophy due to the constant pain relief.

Depending on the degree of looseness of the joint and the predisposing factors (feeding, movement), the process damages the joint and leads to the development of bone lesions that can be detected by X-ray examination after months or years.

Inflammation of the joints, or arthritis

Arthritis is actually a collective term for a number of rheumatological diseases. Osteoarthritis, which is the result of wear and tear on the joints, is known as arthritis, but so is rheumatoid arthritis, which is an inflammatory disease of the cartilage.

The components that connect the bones are the articulations, including the cartilage-covered bone ends (articular surface). These are the areas where the bones come into contact. The most important component of the articulation is cartilage, which helps the bones move. The movement of cartilage is ensured by synovial fluid. Since movement is an essential part of dogs’ lives, stress on their articulations (infection, autoimmune disease, metabolic disorders, trauma, etc.) can affect their lives.

The pathological changes that occur in the articulations are called arthritis. It is divided into several categories, with osteoarthritis being the most common in dogs.

  • Osteoarthritis affects nearly one in five adult dogs, and that’s just the number of diagnosed cases. In many cases, the disease is not diagnosed because the changes in the dog’s movements are attributed to the age or overweight of the animal and not taken to a doctor. But most often, the cause of a bound movement is arthritis.
  • The disease is more common in overweight and older animals, but can develop in any dog.

The joint protective substances

Glucosamine sulphate

Glucosamine is made up of glucose and an amino acid called glutamine, a precursor of the water-binding glucosaminoglycan, a key material for maintaining healthy cartilage.

Glucosamine also inhibits the activity of cartilage-degrading enzymes such as hyaluronidase, which can stop or slow down the process of cartilage degradation. It also has the effect of improving the viscosity properties of the synovial fluid. It is administered in the form of glucosamine sulphate, glucosamine hydrochloride, N-acetylglucosamine. The most rapidly absorbed form is glucosamine sulphate. When administered orally, 90% of the active ingredient is absorbed through the intestinal tract, of which about 25-26% is actually utilized, and part of this is excreted in the synovial fluid. Glucosamine sulphates also have a similar effect to classical anti-inflammatory drugs. Together with chondroitin sulphate, it also strengthens collagen fibres.

Chondroitin sulphate

Chondroitin is the most abundant glucose aminoglycan and is responsible for the water-binding capacity and elasticity of cartilage. The most characteristic property of chondroitin is its ability to bind water in greater quantities than even glucosamines. As cartilage tissue breaks down, there is a marked decrease in the amount of chondroitin in the cartilage and a decrease in the water content of the cartilage.

Chondroitin sulphate increases the synthesis of proteoglycan and collagen in cartilage cells, helping to restore cartilage elasticity. It is also involved in the inactivation of cartilage-degrading enzymes, thereby inhibiting cartilage degradation, and has anti-inflammatory properties. In joints, it increases the level of hyaluronic acid and increases the viscosity of synovial fluid. The effect is not immediate, but with regular use, an effect can be expected after 2-3 weeks. However, the results obtained are maintained for a long time after taking the product.

Chondroitin is usually made from beef, pork, or shark cartilage. When administered orally, some of the chondroitin sulphate is absorbed and enters the synovial fluid.

Unity of strength

Glucosamine sulphate and chondroitin sulphate, and in particular a combination of the two, are effective agents in the treatment of arthritis because they reinforce each other: mobility is significantly improved and, in mild to moderate cases of arthritis, they reduce inflammatory pain as much as previously effective anti-inflammatory drugs.

There is no evidence of cartilage-building effects when taken orally, but they are well established as anti-inflammatory and anti-wear agents, protecting the cartilage surface over the long term.

Hyaluronic acid and others

Hyaluronic acid also occurs naturally in joints. It passes through the inner lining of the joint capsule, thickens the synovial fluid and participates in the nutrition of cartilage tissue.

Hyaluronic acid and similar substances can rapidly absorb, bind and release water. In this way, they affect the viscosity of the synovial fluid, reduce friction and ultimately protect the cartilage. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects have also been observed. They are administered in the form of sodium hyaluronate, which is also able to penetrate the inner lining of the joint capsule. When injected directly into the joint, hyaluronic acid prevents further wear and tear, has analgesic and movement-enhancing effects, and stimulates the body’s own production of hyaluronic acid in the joints.

Opinions differ on the effectiveness of cartilage protectors. What is certain is that they help to keep joints functioning properly, and they also have an indirect analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The fact that cartilage damage cannot be reversed, as far as we know at present, is a warning for cartilage protection!